Trying to think about what to have on you for a day hike can be very overwhelming. Having a good list for hiking is essential for a couple reasons; it allows you to fully enjoy/ be comfortable on the hike, while also protecting you to be ready for the worst case scenario. Whether you plan to be out for a couple hours or all day, you should have essentials with you. I have created a list of what I think is most important (in no particular order) and do not forget to download my free printable checklist after!
the best view comes after the hardest climb
- WATER // the most important thing no matter where or what you are doing. We like to hike with a few gatorades as well for those electrolytes.
- SNACKS // if you are hiking for 6-8 hour day you need food to boost your system to keep your energy going. Great snacks like Cliff bars, any energy bars or even making a few sandwiches for the longer hikes. We like to bring fruit, trail mix and energy bars to have a variety of things throughout the day. Always ensure to bring more than needed!
Tip: do not get snacks with anything that will melt ex: chocolate - CAMERA // not everyone likes to hike with cameras, as it is more to carry. A phone will do just fine! But hiking with a tripod and DSLR Camera allows you to take shots yourself if travelling solo.
- PHONE // don’t be one of the hikers that constantly text’s the entire hike. Hiking is a great time to shut off and enjoy nature. I will occasionally use it for GPS just to see how much further there is to go on the trail. It is good to have incase of an emergency!
- SUN PROTECTION // need to make sure you protect yourself from those harsh rays.
- FIRST AID KIT // always plan for an emergency, then to be left helpless. You can buy pre made kits from local stores or put together your own. Here I list of my must haves;
- Band Aids // the most standard item in a first aid kit. Blisters, scraped knee, its best to have on hand just in case any accidents happen to stop the bleeding.
- Ibuprofen // great for pain relief also an anti inflammatory
- Bug bite pen // the black flies are crazy on some hikes.. this will help the itchiness of those darn buggers.
- Bandages/dressings // very important to have because bandages can be used for a multitude of purposes and can make a big difference if an injury has occured
- Antiseptic wipes // good to have to clean a wound before applying bandages or band aids
- Medical gloves // hiking can get dirty and messy, if needing to clean up a wound without it getting infected from anything on your hands
- Whistle // incase of an emergency and need to get people’s attention if you do not have cell service!
- POWER BANK // when cell phones constantly go in and out of service they tend to lose their charge a lot faster. It is good to have a power bank on hand if your phone dies
- WASTE BAG // always carry a trash bag for any of your snack wrappers etc. Always leave with EVERY item you enter with
- BACKPACK // obviously to carry all these essential items! Preferably a backpack with a waist belt to ensure you are not carrying all the weight with your back but instead 80% on your hips.
- BEAR SPRAY // Some easier hikes you may not require this, but if you are going to be up in the mountains or hiking very remote places, it always is safe to have it with you. Remember this is their home not yours
- BUG SPRAY // if there is one thing that I cannot stand, it’s mosquitoes… They drive me absolutely bonkers, I never hike without bug spray lol Being itchy for hours while hiking is just not fun, promise me
- TOILET PAPER // incase you need to go pee!
- ID’S // incase of an emergency always carry a health card or some sort of ID.
- SPORTS BRA // a great supportive sports bra can make all the difference when hiking. It is important to be comfortable, one of my favourites is from Gymshark and is part of the Whitney Simmons collections which is no longer available unfortunately.
- LEGGINGS/ // I feel most comfortable when hiking to be in leggings. My favourite are the Lululemon Align leggings
- SOCKS // if it is going to be a bit chilly I would recommend wearing wool socks.
- LONG SLEEVE OR SWEATER // it can get chilly at the top of mountains, always bring something to cover up if needed!
- RAIN JACKET // when you are in the mountains the weather can change in an instant, if you don’t want to carry a rain jacket or even a rain poncho will do just fine as well to throw on.
- HAT // helps with keeping your face safe from the sun or a toque if it looks like it will be chilly in the mountains to keep your ears warm
- HIKING BOOTS OR RUNNING SHOES // again depending on what type of hike you are on. Some hikes you will be okay with just running shoes, but other’s would best be completed with hiking boots.
**Should always try to stay clear from cotton clothing, it holds in moisture and if hiking in colder climates at the top of mountains it could lead to hypothermia.
- HIKING APP // Alltrails is what I use it’s the best hiking trail app out there. Its free but can pay for the paid version. Im happy with the free version!
- PERMIT OR ACCESS PASS // always do research first before your hike to see if you require a permit or pass to access the hike. You can be fined hefty if you are caught hiking on trails that require it, if you did not arrange it.
- BATHING SUIT // hiking a trail that has a lake that you can swim in? bring a bathing suit to take a dip and cool off!
- TOWEL // along with the above
- SUNGLASSES // protect those eyes on those sunny days
- HAMMOCK // great for taking breaks or even a nap if you want
- WATERPROOF BAG // incase it starts to rain you want to ensure important things (ex: cellphone) do not get wet. Throw things like that in a ziploc bag or a waterproof bag
- CHANGE OF CLOTHES // if you can, try to have an extra pair of clothing in the car waiting for you. If you come back to the car wet etc. its best to get out of the clothes as soon as possible!
Always take out what you bring in. Hike with a bag to throw your garbage in to keep in your bag until you return to base to throw it out. Whether its fruit peels or plastic wraps, TAKE IT ALL WITH YOU! If you are hiking with newer hikers it is always a good idea to remind people or let them know! It’s also very generous to pick up garbage along your way that you see.

Let’s go hiking!
Get my printable day hiking checklist for a safe & stress free hike. Don’t forget the essentials!
I’d love to hear if you have anything else that is a must have on your day hikes to make your hike more enjoyable, please comment below to let me know
Stay safe and healthy
xx Kenzie
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