WOW.. What a freak’n year… If you would have told me that the end of 2019, that 2020 we would be living through a pandemic the entire year, I would have thought you were bonkers!
This year has been one of the hardest years for all of us, but also a year of reflection, which honestly has taught me so much!
Let’s go through each month to recap my 2020.
I honestly had an amazing start to the year. We went to Mexico (Playa Del Carmen) with my fiance (boyfriend at the time), his sister and her boyfriend along with a big group of people. It was my first ever all inclusive vacation and boy did it ever succeed my expectations! Seriously cannot wait to go back to Mexico.
When we returned from Mexico the following weekend, I was able to celebrate my dad’s birthday!

This month I was really in a funk… Vinny arranged my brother and his girlfriend to come up for a weekend to surprise me and it was exactly what I needed. We went out for some drinks and lunch then went to the rec room downtown for the afternoon.
Vin and I also had our first BBQ of 2020!

March was a very special month because I was able to spend time with my american side of my family. I was on another business trip for work in Charlotte, North Carolina, so when I was done with work I was able to stay a few extra days to spend it with my family which was so nice!
When we entered back into Canada it was the exact day they closed the borders of Canada and the U.S. we were advised that we had to quarantine for 14 days. I remember in that moment thinking okay this is a little scary… but this will only last a month or so and well go on with our lives.. Boy was I wrong.

This was the first full month of lockdown in Canada. I started working from home, which was a new experience to try to work with. Vin was laid off for a few weeks, so we tried to make the best of what we could.. Lots of beer pong clearly ahah

My Champagne Birthday month, but of course with Covid I knew it would be a little different celebrating and that was okay!
At the beginning of the month I helped one of my best friends move into her new house that she bought.
My birthday fell on a Thursday this year so Vin and I did a nice Ikea trip in the morning and ordered some sushi for din (my fav!!). It was perfect, I did not need anything else then that but little did I know that Vin and my best friends had a surprise birthday planned for me on the Saturday.
I went to my best friends for mimosas and caesars in the a.m, and when I got home around noon I walked in and there they all had my house decorated to the nines! I cried a lot, it was such a special day.

Vinny’s Birthday month! As well our anniversary month. We could not do much for our anniversary but we ordered a really nice dinner and just enjoyed each other’s company. For vin’s birthday we took a day to Niagara Falls and did a beautiful hike (highly recommend) it was called Niagara Whirlpool Loop. It was a hike that took about 2-3 hours, we stopped along the way to have a drink by the water so it took us a bit longer than it should have!
Other than that we just spent a lot of time sitting in our backyard tanning ahah!

Canada Day month!! We rented a cottage (Camp for all you Sault people aha) in Blind River on Lake Duborne for Canada day/week. Vin’s sister has some seadoos so we just enjoyed being out on the water as much as could. It was such a nice relaxing vacay and was a much needed getaway from what is going on in the world. It was nice to just spend some family time!

My brothers birthday month! We had a get together with all his friends (this is when covid started to lighten up a bit). Also celebrated one of my best friends birthdays at the end of the month in Sarnia. We hung out by her pool and went for a nice dinner afterwards.

THE MONTH I GOT ENGAGED!!! The best month of all of 2020!
Holy molyyy, what a great start the month, Vin and I took a little weekend trip to Ottawa and I came home a Fiance. If you want to read more on the engagement please click here.
We also had our engagement party at the end of September with our closest friends and family in the Sault.
Sept 2020 will forever hold the most special place in my heart – I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with my number 1.

Spent Thanksgiving with my family! That’s really the only highlight!
Christmas decorating time! After such a hard year, I really just wanted to bring the Christmas spirit alive as early as possible! So we started decorating November 1st!
Also, we got home to celebrate my brothers, girlfriends birthday which was a really awesome night! 🙂

December is ALWAYS such a busy month! We celebrate my Mom’s birthday, we do a yearly family tradition of cutting down a christmas tree with my moms side of the family. Lots of Christmas shopping and of course we finish of the month with spending time with family! The end of the month is always so busy for Vin and I, as my family lives about 2 hours from Toronto and his live in Sault Ste Marie about a 7 hour drive. We do LOTS of driving over the holidays!
This years Christmas was a bit different obviously because of covid, but I did still get to see my immediate family which was so important to me, especially after this year..

Ya know, 2020 challenged us all in so many ways. It had us all so far apart from each other but I think in reality it actually brought us all closer than we have ever been before! Love your neighbors and always check in on your loved ones! You may never know what they are going through, and it could brighten their day and be exactly what they need.
As I sit here and finish off this post, even though we are still in a pandemic and back in a lockdown. This year has been the best year of my life. I did not get to do travel experiences as I hoped for but I got to spend a lot more quality time with the most important people in my life and that is all that matters to me <3
As we close off 2020 and move into a new and hopefully safer year, I hope you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy. Look forward to the day all of us travel lovers will be in the sky again, flying to our favourite destinations!
Here’s to 2021 the year of wedding planning!! WOOHOO